Ashley has Veloso desire as Ebondo is in the works
Words by Kevin Doocey onVeloso - Ashley willing to fund his transfer?
Miguel Veloso’s agent has indicated that Newcastle have made an approach for the versatile player. This news is greeted by Newcastle fans because we all know Veloso is a very good player, many will know him from Football Manager too 😀 Ashley is supposedly 100% behind this transfer and after missing out on Luka Modric Mike said he doesn’t want to make the same mistake so it seems he is determined to secure this lads signature ahead of Bolton.
When we all saw that he would consider moving to the Reebok it was a surprise and maybe this has set in with the recruitment team too and have decided to make a move and to indeed test the water. I for one would be favour of this transfer as he is just the player we need. A Portuguese international who can play CM, CB or indeed LB should the worst situation arise. Albin Ebondo has yet to sign but reports coming from France suggest it all but a done deal so we certainly hope it will be wrapped up by tomorrow. The clock is ticking and we need players badly. Open that wallet Mike 😀
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